"I'd Die For Foxglove"
A parody of Bon Jovi's "I'd Die For You"
Sung by "a pre-'Saga'" Dale
If I could feel your prescence
For maybe just one day
Then that memory of us together
Would help me find my way
Your beauty is unmatchable
You're charming, cute, and sweet
I can or will never forget you
You're part of me from head to feet
Of all the people that I will meet or I have ever met
You're the one whom I cannot forget
Every day since the first day we ever met
Into the wind I cry
I'd die for you
I'd cry for you
More than anything
Foxglove, I love you
You know it's true
Foxy, I'd die for you
My love for you
I know it's true
If it came right down to me and you
I know it's true
I'd do anything for you
I might not be the smartest
Best-looking, I know I'm not
I don't think I'd ever be brave enough
To ask you to tie the knot
But if you could see inside my heart
You'd learn about my love
I promise I'll never hurt you
Or let harm come to you, my dove
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umen_orlando@hotmail.com - Pop a letter; I do read my hotmail! ^^