"Angel Eyes"
Originally performed by Ace of Base
Song suggestion by Stephen "Triple-S" Stone
I know that I'm not the first one
You had love in your path before me
But when your lips touched my lips, it felt
Like I was kissing destiny
Angel eyes, with your angel eyes
Will you always be there to hold me?
Angel eyes, I am satisfied
I don't want to hear your story
'Cause I can see the things I really want to see
I'm in love
I believe in what I'm feeling
I'd give everything up just for you
Love is devoted to those who see
That the last dance, you dance with the truth
Angel eyes, with your angel eyes
Will you always be there to hold me?
Angel eyes, I am satisfied
I don't want to hear your story
'Cause I can see the things I really want to see
In your eyes
Angel eyes
Just want you here to hold me
Angel eyes
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umen_orlando@hotmail.com - Pop a letter; I do read my hotmail! ^^