"Listen People"
By Herman's Hermits
Song suggestion by Roy Neal Grissom
I suppose just from reading the words it doesn't seem like much, but you should here it on the radio! It was recorded by the British '60's pop group Herman's Hermits, whom I've always admired for their decent, innocent, and sweet songs. It is lyrical and sweet and seems to carry a little sadness and pathos as the narrator sings "Everybody's got to love somebody sometime." I can't explain it; you really have to call in to your local oldies station and request it!
What does it have to do with Foxy and Dale? The song is an encouragement to people who have never known love (like me) not to give up because it will surely happen to them too. Le sigh! Of course it's not true, but it's such a beautiful lie!
Dale and Foxglove both despaired of ever finding love offered them by another. Dale kidded around with Gadget and I'm sure he told himself he was in the running, but he really wasn't. Not that Gadget looked down on him or disqualified him because of his looks (she's not that kind of person); it's just that they were too different. Foxglove lived in such loneliness that even the cruel abuse of Freddie and her cronies was welcome attention. How she must have ached for someone to care about her in *any* way. But one magical night, for no apparent reason, two lives crossed and two people whom no one else would love found each other at last. Would that it happened in real life! Anyway, I don't see it as sung by either one of them, but as sort of a background when each of them is alone and sad and without hope. Anyway, I think it is a *perfect* song in such a context, and it really is beautiful You simply MUST hear it! Simply reading the words does not convey the emotion! Hope you enjoy this song. Like I say, listen to it!
Listen people to what I say
I say everybody's got to have their day
And don't you know that
Everybody's got to love somebody sometime
Everybody's got to win a heart
Everybody's got to love somebody sometime
When you do, I hope you never part
I once found love, found love just like you
But then he came, he might come to you
And don't you know that
Everybody's got to lose somebody sometime
But everybody can part
Everybody's got to lose somebody sometime
So take care that you don't lose your heart
Take my advice and you'll always find
You'll be happy all of the time
Take my advice and you will see
You'll be happy as you can be
Listen people to what I say
I say everybody's got to have their day
And don't you know that
Everybody's got to love somebody sometime
Everybody's got to win a heart
Everybody's got to love somebody sometime
When you do, I hope you never part
You never part
Listen people
Listen people
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umen_orlando@hotmail.com - Pop a letter; I do read my hotmail! ^^