"Ahdoo Wattawanna"
A parody based on the Lion King's soundtrack song "Hakuna Matata"
Song parody by Charles Williams
(Instrumental break)
:: Dale ::
Ahdoo Wattawanna
For the rest o' muh days
:: Foxglove::
Ahdoo Wattawanna
I aint just makin' waves
:: Dale ::
I'm in no hurry
Just takin' Life where it lays
:: Both ::
If you wanna see
Life casually
Ahdoo Wattawanna
:: Dale ::
When she was an orphaned girl
:: Foxglove::
When I was an orphaned girl!
(Dale(ears ringing):Very nice
(Foxglove(blissfully unaware)Thanks,Cutie!
:: Dale ::
She found out that childhood wasn't part of the deal
Only a mother and father made her fantasies real
:: Foxglove::
Oh,to see them just once
Would have made me all right
Was in a stupor in the morning
And crying at night
But all that changed
When I met him that day
(Dale-Preach it,girl!)
Not obnoxious or rude
And so cute when he's-
(Dale-Foxy!Not in front of the kid!)
:: Both ::
Ahdoo Wattawanna
For the rest o' muh days
Ahdoo Wattawanna
We aint just makin' waves
:: Chip ::
I'm in no hurry
Just takin' Life where it lays
:: Dale and Foxy ::
That's it!
:: All ::
If you wanna see
Life casually
Ahdoo Wattawanna
(Chip,now older)
I'm in no hurry
Just takin' Life where it lays
:: All ::
If you wanna see
Life casually
Ahdoo Wattawanna
Ahdoo Wattawanna
Ahdoo Wattawanna
Ahdoo Wattawanna
Ahdoo Wattawanna
(Fade out)
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umen_orlando@hotmail.com - Pop a letter; I do read my hotmail! ^^