"For Once In My Life"
Performed by Stevie Wonder
Written by Ron Miller/Orlando Murden
(Sung by Dale ^^)
Song suggestion by Chris Burkett
For Once In my life,
I have someone who needs me,
Someone I've needed so long,
For once, unafraid,
I can go where life leads me,
Somehow I know I'll be strong,
For once I can touch,
What my heart used to dream of,
Long before I knew,
Someone warm like you,
Could make my dream come true,
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
For once in my life,
I won't let sorrow hurt me,
Not like it's hurt me before,
For Once I have something,
I know won't desert me,
I'm not alone anymore,
For Once I can say,
This is mine, you can take it,
Long as I know,
I have love I can make it,
For once in my life,
I have someone who needs me.
For once in my life,
I won't let sorrow hurt me,
Not like it's hurt me before,
For Once I have something,
I know won't desert me,
I'm not alone anymore,
For Once I can say,
This is mine, you can take it,
Long as I know,
I have love I can make it,
For once in my life,
I have someone who needs me.
(Fade Out)
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umen_orlando@hotmail.com - Pop a letter; I do read my hotmail! ^^